Karate & Taekwondo Part I: IIMAF POWER KARATE Part II: IIMAF TAEKWONDO "MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON EARTH UNTIL THEN LET IIMAF TRAIN YOU TO PROTECT YOURSELF." Origin: The Ryukyu Kingdom, The Empire of Japan Part 1: IIMAF POWER KARATE The IIMAF Power Karate is a hard Striking Martial Art style, which Power Development Techniques are an important part of the training. In IIMAF Power Karate all the leg strikes and hand strikes are done with maximum power. In IIMAF Taekwondo speed and flexibility are the most important aspect of the art, whereas in IIMAF Power Karate most Kicks are performed low, hard and all the hand Strikes should make contact at full power if legally and Morally Justified. The goal is to knock down or knock out the criminal attackers as soon as possible with only 1 to 3 Strikes. IIMAF Power Karate has been developed partially From the Kingdom of Ryukyu, Okinawan indigenous Martial Arts methods which includes Empty Hard Hand...
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